Report Setup Overview
Report Setup options can be accessed from the Report List or from the Report Preview window. We recommend you run the report and access the setup options from the Report Preview window. This method allows you to make changes and then return to the Report Preview window to see the impact of your modifications. This process can be continued until the report appearance is as desired.
Report Setup is also often accessed through the Copy Report feature. As the report is copied, the Report Setup window is displayed, allowing you to modify the setup of your new report.
Access Report Setup Using the Report Preview Window
This method displays the report in the Report Preview window, which provides the best framework to modify setup and view your changes.
Maintenance Connection includes some reports that require customized layout and special formatting, such as Work Order Statements. The presentation of these reports cannot be modified in the Reporter.
If no Setup button appears in the Report Preview window, the currently displayed report is custom-formatted. If you still need to access report setup options to modify report groups, automation settings, or security: return to the Report List, select the report name, and click the Report Setup button.
Modify the setup parameters of an existing report:
Locate and select the report you want to modify in the Report List.
Choose between two options:
Select the Use Default Criteria check box below the list of report groups if you want to use the default criteria defined for this report.
If you select this check box, the report opens in the Report Preview window without first providing an opportunity to modify the report criteria.
Do not select the Use Default Criteria check box if you want to view or modify the criteria used on the report.
Click the Run Report button at the bottom of the page.
The report generates and open in the Report Preview window if the Use Default Criteria check box was selected. If this check box was not selected, the Criteria Library window opens.
Choose between two options:
If the Use Default Criteria check box was selected:
Click the Setup button in the toolbar at the top of the page.
The Report Setup window opens.
Modify the Report Setup as needed.
Click the Apply button.
Your changes are saved.
If the Use Default Criteria check box was not selected:
Verify or change the Report Criteria.
Click the Apply button.
The criteria is applied to the report.
Click the Setup button in the toolbar at the top of the page.
The Report Setup window opens.
Modify the Report Setup as needed.
Click the Apply button.
Your changes are saved.
Access Report Setup Window Directly
You can also right-click the report name and select Run or Setup.
Access the Report Setup window directly:
Locate and select the report you want to modify in the Report List.
Click the Setup Report button at the bottom of the page.
Proceed to modify the Report Setup as needed.
Report Setup Window
The Report Setup window displays summary information about the report, lists the fields in the report, and has tabs where you can modify the configuration of your report.
Maintenance Connection includes some reports that require customized layout and special formatting, such as Work Order Statements. The presentation of these reports cannot be modified in the Reporter.
For these reports, field definition is not available and only tabs for Schedule, Groups, Security, and Advanced display.
The following list describes the parts of the Report Setup window:
Summary Info and Field Definition: The area at the top of the report is used to define summary information such as the report name. Directly below this summary information are controls to define fields (typically columns) displayed in the report.
General tab: The General tab has three sub-tabs: Sort/Group, Layout, and Settings.
The Sort/Group sub-tab allows you to define up to five levels of sorting and grouping. For each defined grouping, you can determine if totals should be displayed and whether or not a page break should occur in printed output.
The Layout sub-tab provides general report layout controls, such as horizontal vs. vertical display.
The Settings sub-tab provides numerous settings to determine what information should be included in the report display, such as showing report criteria, displaying column lines, display and whether the report should only display a chart.
Style/Format tab: The Style/Format tab allows you to define general report style, such as the style sheet or font, and includes options to define conditional formatting for columns in the report.
Charts / KPIs: The Charts / KPIs tab allows you to define up to three charts for display on the report, in addition to one KPI group. Formatting options are available for each chart display.
Sub-Reports: The Sub-Reports tab provides options to define up to five sub-reports for display in the report. Sub-reports provide additional detail about individual records in the report.
For example, a report that lists work orders might include a sub-report that displays costs breakdowns below each work order.
Smart Elements tab: The Smart Elements tab allows you to define smart elements for the report.
Schedule tab: The Schedule tab, which requires the Maintenance Connection Service Agent, provides options to automate generation and distribution of this report through email.
Groups tab: The Groups tab allows you to specify which report groups should include this report.
Security tab: The Security tab provides an option to lock the report from all but specifically defined access groups. Locking the report ensures that the setup cannot be modified.
Criteria tab: The Criteria tab allows you to set On-the-Fly Criteria options that are displayed at the top of the Report Preview window, allowing criteria to be specified for the given run of the report.
Advanced tab: The Advanced tab includes advanced settings that are typically only used by Maintenance Connection Support Staff.